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Create an Environment for Success

By April 2, 2014Uncategorized

Open yourself up to finding people, environments and things that align with your values. Rather than focusing on the limits in finding and experiencing these things it is crucial to open yourself up to the possibilities that exist and recruit them into your life.

Success comes from creating your own personal high value community of people, places and things that are meaningful to you. Where will you find these people, places and things that you value? How will you recruit them into your life? Make an inventory of the things that are serving you well and nurture them. Explore the things that are not serving you well and release them. Seek to recruit these things that will serve you well now and in the future and take notice of the success that follows.

An article written by Strategic Coach discusses the importance of aligning yourself with people and environments that support your success.

“If you want to live in The Abundance Neighborhood and enjoy all the benefits of being in that place, then you have two choices to make.

The first is who you’re being: Keep expanding the number of things in your day that you’re grateful for and the number of people you express your gratitude to. This quickly takes on a powerful momentum.

The second choice is about who you hang out with: People who don’t respond well to your gratitude and don’t reciprocate it will gradually stop fitting into your life. Either they’ll drift away on their own, or you may have to let them go. If your life is going to support your success, you’ll want people around you who are also committed to growing, appreciating their experiences, and expanding their generosity.

Even the smartest and most successful person in the world will run into limitations in their thinking, but you can always upgrade your thinking to be consistent with a better neighborhood. You may have all kinds of skills and achieved far beyond the norm, yet have a Scarcity Neighborhood mindset about the world — like the comment I hear from a lot of entrepreneurs: “I can’t trust people.” I just nod and say, “Well, that’s a thought.” It’s a thought that warrants a second look, and when you use the “neighborhoods” analogy as a filter, you can immediately see which side of the tracks a particular thought will put you on.

If you want to make a breakthrough in any area, move to where people have the qualities of The Abundance Neighborhood and are looking to make their own breakthroughs. And if in doubt, be grateful! Gratitude will always give you a lift to the part of town where good things are going on.”  Read the full article here.


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